Royal Blue Premium Pro Pure Drinking Water

Health Benefits of Pure Drinking Water:

Lose weight

  • Drinking pure mineral water is great for health because it does not contain any calories at all.
  • There are 0 calories in an 8FL oz, serving of Mineral Water.


Healthier Bones

  • Studies have shown that mineral water contains the right amount of calcium to help in maintaining the requisite bone density.
  • Drinking mineral water every day can keep osteoporosis away as well.

Lower Tension Levels

  • Studies have proved that mineral water contains the right amount of magnesium salts to keep your blood pressure under control.

Helps with Muscle Crapmos and Aches

  • The Mayo Clinic says not getting enough magnesium, potassium muscle cramping.
  • Drinking mineral water can banish the cramps and improve muscle performance.

Maintains Electrolyte Balance

  • Drinking mineral water maintains the electrolyte balance in the system.

Say no to kidney stones

  • The magnesium and calcium in mineral water helps prevent calcium oxalate stones.
  • Reduce the risk of formation of kidney stones with regular intake of pure mineral water.

Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases

  • Mineral water has potassium and magnesium in sufficient quantities to prevent the accumulation of LDL cholesterol.
  • A sodium-rich carbonated mineral water reduces cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women.

Better Digestive System

  • Drinking mineral water can help in maintaining the level of sulphates.
  • The sulphates in mineral water help the liver and pancreas break down food more easily.

Skin Benefits

  • Mineral waters contain lots of silica.
  • This mineral promotes collagen growth and skin elasticity.
  • Silica in large number helps skin look glowing and prevents wrinkles.